transcending all that came before

The Wells Estate

Reimagined in 2024.

Elevated magic.

We believe in the magic of love and the power of a beautiful setting to enhance it, making every moment at our venue feel elegant and enchanted.

The Wells Estate, formerly known as Avon Century Barn, represents the marriage of a rich history with modern elegance. Recently purchased by Partyman Catering, the venue has been transformed into a wholly unique event experience, guided by their impeccable eye for detail and a commitment to elevated events.

Escape the ordinary.

The Wells Estate is more than a venue; it’s a retreat from your world into the enchantment of summer garden soirees, where serene, sunkissed afternoons with sparkling champagne blossom into ethereal moments shared with loved ones under starlight, lingering in memory long after the last dance.

Find both heart and home at The Wells Estate.